Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy 2017! Here's a Little Update!

Hello Flufflebuns!

Well, 2016 is now over, and I was all set up to make 2017 awesome. By awesome I mean coming back with more videos, pictures, and more!

Then life happened.

Due to issues of a highly personal nature (I am okay, but the environment isn't the most predictable to be recording regularly) I cannot promise regular content right now but this is a goal for the very near future.

In the meantime, remember I have other Social Media accounts that I plan to also be more active on (like this blog!)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoxyBunOfficial

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/RoxyBunOfficial/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoxyBunOfficial/

I have a Tumblr as well that I do not use much at the moment, but if you like, it's http://roxybunofficial.tumblr.com/

I will keep everyone updated, but I wanted to let everyone know that I definitely have NOT quit.  I have some upcoming voice acting projects that will be released soon, and I am really excited about those too.

I hope your 2017 is getting off on the right foot!

